January 27, 2015

Koch brothers' plan to buy the election

Politicus USA - The actual amount announced at the Rancho Mirage Ritz Carlton is $889 million -- that is what the Koch brothers’ political network (17 Koch-funded organizations) plans to spend buying the 2016 elections for corporate America and the 1 percent.

It is, as CNN informs us, “More money than any private network has ever spent on an election cycle.” It is also as much as either the Republicans or Democrats spend: Compare this to the $675 million spent by the Republican Party in 2012. And the Kochs can spend the money however they want, unlike the RNC.

How much money is that? With a budget of $20 per person you could feed nearly 50 million people better meals than most of them have ever had for one day.

If you go by the approximately $3 the USDA reimburses schools for free student lunches, that $889 million would feed 296 million children. The USDA Food and Nutrition Service said 21 million kids received free or reduced-price lunches in 2013. You do the math.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Kochs were written into the New Constitution in McCutcheon and then given free reign in CRomnibus. Just as Madison had planned it, two people should control the government with a seoaration of powers between Charles an David, like the Roman pro consuls.