January 16, 2015

Climate crisis update

Dahr Jamail, Truth Out - Two recently released studies brought bad news for those living near coastlines around the world. One published in the peer-reviewed Nature Climate Change, the other in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the studies showed that existing computer models might have severely underestimated the risk to the Greenland ice sheet from warming global temperatures.

Bear in mind that if Greenland's entire ice sheet melts, 20 feet would be added to global sea levels.

As if that isn't enough of an indicator of how fast anthropogenic climate disruption is happening across the globe, two days after delegates from more than 190 countries had gathered in Peru at the annual climate summit, the World Meteorological Organization reported that 2014 was tied with 2010 as the hottest year on record, and rejected popular claims that global warming had "paused."

Also last month, leading atmospheric scientist Dr. Philip Mote released some of his latest numbers on ACD and went on to say, "We're running out of time to control dangerous climate change." He pointed out that a mere 2.2 percent rise in temperature would increase the areas burned in Idaho by a staggering 500 to 600 percent.

This article goes on to provide a comprehensive report on other details of the climate crisis

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