December 9, 2014

What's happening

Study: Fish will continue to move poleward at a rate of between nine and sixteen miles per decade.

Complaints of alleged police wrongdoing in New York City have hit a record level of 5,601 — a 150 percent increase from 2006 — and when the claims were settled or went to trial they have cost the city over $315 million dollars from 2006 to 2012, according to latest figures released by the city.

Hundreds of people marched through Berkeley for a third night a row, blocking a major highway and stopping a train as activists in this ultra-liberal bastion protested grand jury decisions not to indict white police officers in the deaths of two unarmed black men on the other side of the country

The city of Portland, Oregon filed a lawsuit against Uber on Monday, alleging that the ride-sharing service did not conform to its administrative regulations. The city’s transportation head Leah Treat has reportedly issued a cease-and-desist order to the San Francisco-based company, and the lawsuit requests the court to order Uber to stop operating in Portland until it has complied with “safety, health and consumer protection rules.”

57% of Americans say jury was wrong not to indict in Garner case

27 people have been killed by Albuquerque police officers since 2010, and the more than 40 wounded by gunfire. The rate of officer-involved shootings by Albuquerque police is  eight times that of the NYPD and two times higher than in Chicago, a megalopolis with one of the steepest levels of violent crime in the country.

Estimated amount Olive Garden loses annually from breadsticks that are served but not eaten: $5,000,000

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