Eric Alterman, American Prospect - During his reign, [Marty] Peretz has done lasting damage to the cause of American liberalism. By turning TNR into a kind of ideological police dog, Peretz enjoyed the ability -- at least for a while -- to play a key role in defining the borders of "responsible" liberal discourse, thereby tarring anyone who disagreed as irresponsible or untrustworthy. But he did so on the basis of a politics simultaneously so narrow and idiosyncratic -- in thrall almost entirely to an Israel-centric neoconservatism -- that it's difficult to understand how the magazine's politics might be considered liberal anymore. Ironically Peretz's stance ultimately turned out to be not only out of step with most liberals but also most American Jews, who consistently cling to views far more dovish, both on Israel and on U.S. foreign policy generally, than those espoused in TNR.
It is a sad but true fact of American political life that liberals rarely exercise so much influence as when they happen to be endorsing conservative causes, and this temptation has proven consistently irresistible to Peretz and his magazine. TNR under Peretz has been a vehicle that proved extremely helpful to Ronald Reagan's wars in Central America and George Bush's war in Iraq. It provided seminal service to Newt Gingrich's and William Kristol's efforts to kill the Clinton plan for universal health care and offered intellectual legitimacy to Charles Murray's efforts to portray black people as intellectually inferior to whites. As for liberal causes, however … well, not so much.
Right-wing Jews like seem pretty shameless, from what I've seen, and "liberal" ones (e.g. Sanders) not much better.
There are a disproportionate number of Jews in control of media, banking, and government --the three keys to national control. This can easily be verified by anyone who wants to try (hint: look at the names of the executives given on the various relevant websites).
That imbalance is not due to disproportionate merit because we know that intelligence and talent are randomly distributed under the usual curve.
It's due to the same unethical, and now illegal but still common, practices that kept all the "good jobs" in White male hands. It's nearly as easy to spot Ashkenazi-Jewish applicants as it is to spot White male applicants. And as social-psych investigations showed during the Second Wave fight for EEO, it's easy to rationalise a crooked preference.
I've pointed this out several times in various fora. The result? Dead silence from the goyim, terrified of being accused of "anti-semitism", or even of being a neo-Nazi, and denials from the "liberal" Jews.
Mr. Anonymous.Afraid to put your name on your anti- Jewish neo Nazi drivel. The article itself is excellent.
Gerry Tenney
Yep, you absolutely nailed it. Google Rothchild Zionist.
Thank you, Tenney, for your confirmation of my thesis. I was sure some putz would oblige just as they have in other fora.
To quote the late, much-lamented Richard P. Feynman, PhD, Nobel Laureate (1965, Physics): Nature can not be fooled.
Michelle Feynman collected and annotated her father's lifetime of correspondence under the title Perfectly Reasonable Deviations (from the beaten path). It's a fascinating book.
Two of his letters, in 1967, were to one Tina Leviton who was putting together a book "Jewish Winners of the Nobel Prize". He first declined briefly and, when she pressed him, wrote in some detail why he thought her book a bad idea. One paragraph was a sort of summary: "At almost thirteen I ... suddenly saw that the picture of Jewish history that we were learning, of a marvelous and talented people surrounded by dull and evil strangers was far from the truth."
A year later ('68), not having learned her lesson, she wrote asking to include him in her article in "Science and Religion" about "[great] Jewish scientists".
He replied: "[P]lease see my earlier correspondence ... to understand why I do not wish to cooperate with you, in your new adventure in prejudice."
She apparently got the message that time.
You should try to get it, too.
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