Freedom Force - The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of an eighth grader at Sam Houston Middle School who was allegedly slammed to the ground by police, lain on until he was left gasping for air, then arrested and held in a detention center overnight—all because he wore rosary beads in memory of his deceased brother to a school football game.
In challenging school officials and police over their treatment of Jacob Herrera, who had to be taken to a hospital as a result of the injuries inflicted by the arresting officer, The Rutherford Institute is asking the superintendent of the Amarillo Independent School District to rectify the situation by rescinding the school’s ban on rosary beads, which clearly violates the First Amendment. Jacob did request and receive permission from the school principal to wear the rosary beads to the football game....
While at the game that evening, Jacob was approached by a police officer who ordered Jacob to either remove the rosary necklace or leave the property. When Jacob refused due to the principal’s permission, the police officer reportedly slammed him to the ground, laid on him until Jacob was gasping for air, and forcibly arrested the teenager.
Thereafter, Jacob was held in the detention center until following day, when he was released, but is still under restraints of his liberty due to conditions placed on his release by the County Court. In coming to Jacob’s defense,
1 comment:
" In coming to Jacob’s defense," what? The story stops at a critical point. Not intentional, I'm sure, but once again, we are inspired to begin praying for successful cop assassinations. The old, now forgotten term "pigs" was not coined for no reason. There is always a hidden agenda in the motivation of young people who may not be aware of why they are choosing this, er, "profession" as a job career, etc.
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