December 22, 2014

Pocket paradigms

Anyone can start a war. Starting a peace is really hard. Therefore it is much harder to be a peace expert than a war expert. - Sam Smith


Anonymous said...

Gandhi taught satyagraha - the waging of peace as a way of life. I have tried it, it is very, very hard to live like that in this world.

Many people claim to ascribe to various religions but the reality for many is that their faiths are only affections put on for show and for the soothing of conscience. I don't except myself from that harsh judgment.

However, waging peace is a worthy ideal for the truly strong and courageous amongst us. Truly, it is not for the faint of heart.

greg gerritt said...

That it is much harder to be a peace expert is why the media only hires killers and apologists for killers