December 27, 2014

A night light of practically nothing

Tree Hugger - As an alternative to purchasing yet another plugin night light, or having hardwired guide lights installed in your house or tiny home for safety (or to light the way for your kids to get to the bathroom after dark), a new product promises to be a more efficient way to illuminate rooms and hallways, while also leaving your outlets free for other plugs.
The SnapRays Guide Light is a unique plug-n-play LED night light option for providing safety lighting in your home, and one which is simple and quick to install on any standard outlet, without having to do any wiring or buy any more batteries. The SnapRays system uses LED bulbs to project light downward at a 45 degree angle from the outlet cover, which can serve to illuminate hallways or rooms in your home without using a lot of electricity.

© SnapPower
The LEDs are built into outlet covers that are virtually the same size as standard outlet covers, and include a built-in light sensor that automatically turns the lights on when the nearby area is dark, and back off again when the area is light. To install the SnapRays, simply turn off the power to the outlet at the breaker box, unscrew and remove the current outlet cover, slide the Guide Light over the outlet, and then replace the existing screw to attach it to the outlet and turn the breaker back on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The elite Treehugger strikes again!

I bought 2 plug-in LED nightlights with auto-on/-off for $5 each. I bet that's cheaper than the solution they're touting.