November 22, 2014


Via Debra Haaland


Anonymous said...

fucking classic

Anonymous said...

The pisser of it is, they're also threatening that guy's (well, his descendants') way of life.

I can't count the number of Ochsian liberals, soi-disant socialists and communists, who say that the incomers from Mexico and points south have aboriginal blood and have the right to come here because their ancestors lived here before Whites drove them out.

They have absolutely no grasp of the fact that the Mi'kmaq, Huron, Lakota, Ojibwe/Chippewa, Cheyenne, Apache, Akimel O'odham, Tarahumara, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, et lengthy cetera aren't interchangeable ("waddaya mean? they all look the same!"), or that each group had lands they considered theirs by ancient usage and would fight to keep.