November 24, 2014

What's happening: Monday morning

The Israeli Cabinet on Sunday approved a bill to call Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people, a measure that critics say could further strain the state’s frayed relationship with its Palestinian population.

This is equivalent to the US cabinet declaring America a white state

Cleveland Police murder 12 year old boy with play gun

A ground-breaking ceremony took place for the Mass Extinction Memorial Observatory, a 30-metre-high stone spiral that will house an information and exhibition centre for the 860 species identified as extinct since the demise of the dodo in the 17th century.  The memorial to extinct species of the present and future is designed by David Adjaye for the Isle of Portland, England.

Greenhouses are usually glazed structures, but are typically expensive to construct and heat throughout the winter. A much more affordable and effective alternative to glass greenhouses is the walipini (an Aymara Indian word for a “place of warmth”), also known as an underground or pit greenhouse. First developed over 20 years ago for the cold mountainous regions of South America, this method allows growers to maintain a productive garden year-round, even in the coldest of climates.

75 square foot apartment in Rome
In the past five years, more Utahns have been killed by police than by gang members. Or drug dealers. Or from child abuse. And so far this year, deadly force by police has claimed more lives than has violence between spouses and dating partners.

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