November 25, 2014

Study: Marijuana can help with PTSD

Daily. Mail, UK

Cannabis could help prevent the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), scientists have claimed.

The drug triggers changes in the area of the brain associated with traumatic memories, they found.

The new study adds to a growing body of research showing marijuana can have a positive effect on PTSD.

Scientists at the University of Haifa in Israel examined the effects of WIN 55,212-2, a synthetic compound that produces a similar effect that of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active compound in marijuana.

Cannabis can help ease the symptoms of PTSD as it triggers changes in the areas of the brain associated with forming and holding traumatic memories, a study found,

1 comment:

MAMADOC said...

Just make sure the pharmaceutical industry does not turn it into their empire... along with things that are but are not mariguana... A most Orwellian situation, indeed...