November 19, 2014

Colorado students boycott standardized tests

Daily Camera, CO - More than 1,500 Boulder Valley high-school students -- 84 percent of the district's seniors -- refused to take the state's new science and social studies tests  in a widespread protest against how much classroom time is devoted to standardized testing.

At Boulder's Fairview High, nine out of 530 eligible seniors took the test, while about 200 seniors showed up at the school to wave signs, collect food and school supplies for holiday drives, and write letters to policymakers.

Students in other districts also failed to show for the tests, with parents in both Boulder Valley and elsewhere agreeing to opt them out.

Those parental refusals were concentrated in a few of the state's highest-performing and most affluent school districts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Civil disobedience is the best teacher. By far the greatest educational asset Columbia had in 1968 was its week long experiment in student occupation of the buildings.