October 26, 2014

Pocket paradigms

More and more, living in America seems like living up in a badly dysfunctional family. I sometimes imagine the Republicans as being a collective version of an alcoholic, abusive husband and father while the Democrats are the battered but completely submissive spouse. And the rest of us are the mistreated, powerless kids. But as some in such situations learn, one is not powerless. You are weak but not helpless. You have to find ways to build a new rational reality, something that can happen even in the midst of madness. Neither one's father nor mother - not Mitt Romney nor Barack Obama - will help with you with this. Your condition is not your fault, but your response is up to you. - Sam Smith

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That occurred to me a long time ago. Having grown up in such a family, It was obvious that either my family was a microcosm of the larger world or that the larger would was a macrocosm of such families.

I have always survived by doing what I thought was right regardless of what others thought. I don't find it surprising that I'll have nothing to do with modern politics.