October 2, 2014

Pocket paradigm

The drug Soma, obstacle golf, Feelie movies and Centrifugal Bumble-puppy were used in Huxley's Brave New World to placate the masses. These have been supplanted by a enormous variety of political tranquilizers ranging from actual drugs to distractions such as video games and even substitute elections such as American Idol and Survivor. Never have Americans in their off-work hours had so many ways to avoid what is really going on. Never have so many Americans been deactivated in imagination, creativity and energy by drugs prescribed by medicine rather than by taking those of their own choice. - Sam Smith


Anonymous said...

I'd love to comment but have to go watch Scandal......

Anonymous said...

I waalk 4 hors a day with no mobile electronic devices. May be why i am stilll sane and engaged int he world.