September 1, 2014

Vatican doesn't like its progressive nuns

Time - In 2014 there were just 49,883 religious Catholic sisters in the United States, down 13% percent from 2010 according to figures from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate... That is a 72% decline since 1965.

Because nuns don’t brag about all of the good that they do or hashtag how awesome they are on Facebook, many people have no idea about the things they accomplish on a daily basis.

.. The Vatican doesn’t celebrate these women. In fact, it has done the very opposite. Attacks on American nuns have been happening since 2008, when the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life initiated an “Apostolic Visitation,” a euphemism for investigation, of the nuns.

... Today’s nuns are simply too progressive for the Vatican. The Vatican chooses not to celebrate nuns and it chooses not to empower them. Pope Francis has been hailed as a progressive icon. Yet on the subject of women in the Church, he remains loyal to a long-held and antiquated stance: he doesn’t think women should become priests.


MAMADOC said...

I agree with the Pope... they should become priestesses, instead of priests... :-)

MAMADOC said...

Also, they should consider going on strike... See how long before the Vatican tumbles... Women, be they nuns or just plain mothers, fail to realice sufficiently the value of what they do. We have been brainwashed... but not forever!

Anonymous said...

This is certainly not something new for the Vatican -- Woytyła also fired Dom Hélder and rewound his many initiatives on behalf of the poor.