September 8, 2014

Great moments in South Carolinian criminality

insurance Journal - Insurance fraud complaints in South Carolina have reached an all-time high with more than 1,200 pouring in last year, according to a report by Attorney General Alan Wilson.

... In one Darlington County case, three defendants sought payment from a health insurance company claiming they each had all four limbs amputated. None of the defendants had lost their limbs and one was convicted and sent to prison for 18 months. Restitution of more than $60,000 was made to the insurance company.

.... In another case from the same county, a woman using a stolen credit card got an insurance policy worth $100,000 on home she did not own or live in and conspired with a man to burn it down. The scheme was discovered before the house could be torched, the woman pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison.

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