January 3, 2017

Word: Pope Frances on capitalism

Terrorism grows when there is no other option, and as long as the world economy has at its center the god of money and not the person ... This is fundamental terrorism, against all humanity. - Pope Francis


Unknown said...

Forbes says he is in sixth place among the richest people in the world...
Perhaps he could use the Church's capital to help establish a monetary system alien to usury... that would help straighten out the ship more than a little bit! But were he to attempt such a line of action, most likely Francis will end up exactly like John-Paul the Irst... dispatched to the next world in no time (he lived 30 days as Pope, if I recall correctly).

Anonymous said...

Forbes is wrong on so many levels, if in fact that's what they published. Papa Frank is the nominal head of an institution, and it is that institution that posses the alluded to booty.