August 22, 2024


How to free the soil by depaving

Planetizen -  Walkability grants are awards for programs and projects creating innovative pedestrian infrastructure, such as new sidewalks, crosswalks, plazas, street lights and green spaces. For example, in February 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program, delivering $800 million in monetary awards for 511 projects addressing public safety and road improvements.

Additional walkability grants include those from the federal-backed Transportation Alternatives Program for enhanced biking lanes, awards from state and local governments, nonprofit funding, and private partnerships. Access to multiple grant opportunities is essential for achieving program goals, especially since some are highly competitive with lengthy application processes. In fact, 22 percent of grant seekers say this is one of the most significant funding challenges. 

Reshaping the built environment into a walkable haven helps boost the local economy and sustainability. By changing the urban landscape, citizens are more inclined to walk instead of drive, allowing cities to reduce emissions, improve air quality and create healthier neighborhoods. This is critical, considering air pollution is responsible for 7 million early deaths yearly.

Per one study, car travel accounts for 70 percent of mobility-caused carbon dioxide emissions for one individual, compared to 1% for biking... Walkability is also good for business. According to American Walks, retailers in walkable areas see a 40 percent increase in foot traffic, while a one-point higher Walk Score corresponds to a $500 to $3,000 rise in home values. MORE

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