June 25, 2024


Newsweek - The CBS News/YouGov survey found former president Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, had a narrow lead over Biden among likely voters, 50 percent to 49 percent. However, Biden has a 23-point lead when the poll's results are filtered to consider the views of voters aged between 18 and 29.

Reason -   President Biden's new large-scale student loan forgiveness plan had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. That's because two separate federal district courts ruled against its legality, in lawsuits brought by different coalitions of GOP-led states. Moreover, both of the judges who issued the rulings were Democratic Barack Obama appointees. That makes it hard to argue the decisions were a result of ideological or partisan bias, and is a very bad sign for the Administration's chances of prevailing on appeal.

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