November 5, 2020

Pot legalization



Strelnikov said...

The weed wins.

Our nerves lose.

Anonymous said...

I live in New Jersey.

Yes, technically, marijuana was legalized. The citizens voted overwhelming to amend the constitution to legalize it.

But there is a catch. The Legislatiure has to pass an act providing for the mechanisms to allow for the sale and taxation of marijuana.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. There are still too many "Reefer Madness" belivers in positions of power.

Last year, the Legislature took up the issue of legalization and after a year, they could not come up with a regulatory scheme. The supposed supporters of legalization were arguing over every detail and no bill was ever passed.

So don't expect one to be passed now.

The constitutional plebiscite was simply a way of kicking the can down the road.

Expect the kicking to continue. Already citizens are being told not to expect to be able to use marijuana at the very least till the end of2021.