April 9, 2019

Brooklyn DA wants to decriminalize sex work

Daily Mail, UK -The lead prosecutor for the borough of Brooklyn made it clear he supported decriminalizing sex work, often penalized as loitering, at a panel discussion. 'I believe in decriminalization,' District Attorney Eric Gonzalez he told those gathered at the Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn event in response to an audience member's question, according to Gay City News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is an ongoing debate as to wether prostitution should be decriminalised or not. Lacking, sadly, is the socialist perspective, as put forward by Marx in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in which he saw such work as ’only a specific expression of the general prostitution of the labourer.’ Such dehumanisation of those involved will only end when the terms buyer and seller become redundant with the establishment of socialism.