February 20, 2019

Flotsam & Jetsam

Sam Smith - I was sorry to read the story about Coast Guard lieutenant Christopher Paul Hasson threatening Democrats and journalists and being charged as a domestic terrorist. When I was a Coast Guard lieutenant some fifty years ago, I never ran into anyone like that. Although we were known as the “Hooligan Navy” back then,, the Guard was mainly comprised of some of the most decent and competent guys I would ever run into or have a drink with. Of course, those were simpler times.  before the Guard had been taken over by Homeland Security and gotten into the miserable war on drugs. 

We were still in the Treasury Department where we had been ever since Alexander Hamilton started the Revenue Marine, predecessor of the Guard. The CG manual I had at Officer Candidate School started with Hamilton’s advice to his law enforcement officers:

While I recommend in the strongest terms to the respective officers, activity, vigilance and firmness, I feel no less solicitude that their deportment may be marked with prudence, moderation and good temper. ~ They will bear in mind that their countrymen are freemen, and as such are impatient of everything that bears the least mark of domineering spirit. They will, therefore refrain, with the most guarded circumspection, from whatever has the semblance of haughtiness, rudeness or insult. If obstacles occur, they will remember that they are under the particular protection of the laws and they can meet with nothing disagreeable in the execution of their duty which these will not severely reprehend.”

Some years later, that advice was dropped from the CG manual. Lieutenant Hassen may never have seen it. 

Sam's hooligan days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's an O-3 at age 49? Sounds like he was passed over many times.