February 6, 2018


You may have noticed that the number of trolls in our comment section has increased substantially. We have always welcomed critical responses, but these are sounding more and more like propaganda. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be welcomed, albeit not from trolls.


Tom Puckett said...

From Norway...


Cheers, Tom

Anonymous said...

I must not be reading with sufficient attention. I've seen a few trollish responses, but not a "substantial" increase. Or is that because you've been deleting them unposted, which I would have supposed was the whole point of you filtering them.

One thing you might consider is going back to unmoderated comments, but only from people with non-throwaway addresses. I don't know whether blogspot offers that kind of address-filtering, or even whether it would be a net gain for you, but....

Catherine Del Masso said...

You've been at this a long time and I expect you can smell insincere comments from a mile away.
Just delete the dumb ones. This is your publication. We're all just guests in your home.