July 4, 2017

How the Koch gang wants to move courts to the right

USA Today - The influential donor network tied to billionaire Charles Koch is taking aim at a longstanding Senate tradition that allows Democratic senators to block judicial nominees from their states, as conservatives race to seize on one-party control of Washington to rapidly reshape the federal judiciary.

Their target: The “blue-slip” process, which keeps judicial nominees from moving forward in Senate confirmation if a home-state senator raises an objection. Since Republicans hold a narrow 52-48 majority in the Senate, honoring the practice could give Democrats significant power to delay confirmation of President Trump’s nominees.

At a recent private retreat in Colorado for some 400 of the network’s donors, Koch officials distributed a one-page document, explaining the blue-slip practice and urging attendees — many of them big players in Republican politics — to press the issue with the Senate’s GOP leadership and “other Republican senators you know.”

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