June 8, 2017

Word: Colin Powell's chief of staff compares Trump adminnistration to "mafia family"

The Hill - Lawrence Wilkerson told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that the nature of the Trump administration is “like a mafia family,” in regards to former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared testimony for Thursday’s Senate hearings.

Comey’s written statement suggested that Trump had asked Director Comey for an oath of loyalty, amidst the ongoing investigation into Trump’s potential obstruction of justice into the FBI’s probe into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

The former Chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell said that Comey’s statements read like “someone from the outside with some integrity commenting on the nature of a mafia family.”

“That’s essentially the way I view President Trump now, as the Godfather,” Wilkerson added. “As the member that orchestrates everything within his team and expects loyalty, honest or otherwise.”

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