February 28, 2017

The People's Party: What Americans really think

More than two-thirds of registered voters do not want a complete repeal of ObamaCare, according to a new poll.Sixty-five percent hope at least part of the Affordable Care Act's current form remains intact in a McClatchy/Marist survey

A McClatchy-Marist poll finds 58 percent of Americans are embarrassed by the new administration.

A nationwide poll from Quinnipiac  showed 71 percent of registered voters favored allowing states to decide whether marijuana should be legal.

The Hill - A majority of voters in the U.S. are opposed to several policies proposed by President Trump and congressional Republicans, including building a border wall and repealing ObamaCare, according to a new poll.

Six in 10 say they oppose building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the president's foremost campaign promise, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday.

Only 37 percent support building a wall on the border. The percentage of voters opposed to the proposal increases to 65 percent if the U.S. has to pay for it, and 33 percent would support such a proposal.

About half of voters are also opposed to restarting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

The poll finds majority opposition to reducing taxes across the board. Sixty-two percent oppose such reductions, even if it increases the deficit, and 31 percent support that proposal.

About three-quarters of respondents say they are against lowering taxes on the wealthy, and 54 percent are against removing regulations on businesses and corporations.

The poll found greater support for other areas of Trump's agenda.

A majority of voters, 54 percent, support "renegotiating trade deals with other countries, even if it means paying more for the products you buy" and 87 percent of voters support increasing federal spending for roads, mass transit and other infrastructure.

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