December 26, 2014

Strong support for better relations with Cuba

Washington Post: A large majority of Americans support establishing diplomatic ties with Cuba, and even larger -- and growing -- majorities support an end to trade and travel bans to the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The national survey finds little erosion in public support after President Obama announced sweeping changes in U.S.-Cuba policy, despite his weak approval ratings nationally. Sixty-four percent support establishing ties with Cuba, similar to 66 percent in a 2009 Post-ABC poll asking whether the United States should do so.
Sixty-eight percent support ending the trade embargo with Cuba -- up 11 points from 2009 -- and 74 percent support ending travel restrictions to Cuba -- a jump of 19 points from five years ago. The poll described each policy in general and did not mention Obama's action, maintaining broad comparability to previous 


tal said...

Cubans should recognize that any embrace by the U.S. is at least suffocating if not deadly for their self-determination.

tal said...

US Hostility Toward the Island was Never Really About the Cold War