March 26, 2025

Why did Trump's mom not like him?

Diane Hubbard - She wrote a book if you might want to read it. Trump was a difficult child,, emotional and ill tempered, he was sent to military school for being undisciplined, did poorly in school, avoided the draft with a dr note for bone spurs, screwed his mom and family out of money that was rightfully theirs upon his dad,'s death. 

He had a rough/,strained relationship with his dad, but he learned the business working with him. He has been in court almost 4200 times, exercised racism, did not pay workers, lied on taxes, broke laws, hired illegal immigrants, filed about 7 bankruptcies etc. etc etc.. 

His mom wrote in her memoir that Donald had no empathy, and she asked, "have I created a monster?"....

To answer you, his mom saw his greed, his contempt for groups, his willingness to do anything necessary to get ahead at anyone's expense. She was a woman who saw in her son everything she was not. A man with no regards for anyone but himself. 


1 comment:

Walter Wouk said...

There is no way anyone could ignore his flaws unless they chose to do so.