June 15, 2024


Guardian - The rise in so-called “death positivity”, along with the mortal reality check wreaked on us by the pandemic, has helped to reframe death as a part of life for many of us. Taboos around discussing death are breaking down and planning your own funeral is increasingly considered as responsible as writing a will.In recent years a host of “death apps” have sprung to life to help us with the exercise. Services such as Cake and Lantern, which promise to help users outline everything from their final tweet to their epitaph, have exploded in popularity since the start of the pandemic, with reports that many new users are millennials.While the latest Australian Funeral Industry report found less than one in five Australians have actually planned their own funeral, a definite vibe shift is occurring and 90% of people say they want to.

Prue Leith on the right to die

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