September 22, 2018

GOP House candidates soften their position on Obamacare

Daily Beast -Across the country, endangered Republican incumbents have dramatically softened their tone on the Affordable Care Act. Some have fully whitewashed their previous criticisms.

A thorough review of current and former websites of endangered Republican House members found 20 examples of these changes from either 2014 or 2016 to this current election cycle. The alterations reflect the dramatic evolution in the politics of Obamacare. The law had been the bete noire of conservatives since the moment it was conceived. ...

It most likely speaks to the change in public opinion on the law since Trump took office. With Obamacare under threat, the public has rallied dramatically to it, with red-state Democrats now on the offensive on key parts of the legislation, and Republicans pledging that even they want to keep components, like the protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions.

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