June 14, 2017

200 Democrats sue Trump over emoluments

Buzzfeed - Nearly 200 Democrats in Congress have filed the second lawsuit this week against President Trump over his ongoing financial interests in his business empire.

The lawsuit, filed early Wednesday morning in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, claims that Trump violated the US Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause, which bars officials from accepting gifts and other "emoluments" — generally defined as payments and other financial benefits — from foreign governments without approval from Congress.

Examples of foreign "emoluments" that Democrats pointed to included the Chinese government granting approval for Trump company trademarks; news reports of foreign diplomats staying at Trump's hotel in Washington, DC; foreign governments that lease or own space at Trump properties; and any potential benefits that Trump businesses may get from foreign regulators as they pursue new deals overseas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As they're fond of saying over at the Clinton Foundation, "It all depends on what your definition of emoluments, is."

What a pathetic, out of touch group of people calling themselves a political party. It's an embarrassment.
With the swinging-door legislatures, K Street, and everything else...
Give us a break.
This isn't news, it's party propaganda