August 11, 2016

Google wipes Palestine off its maps

Tele Sur - Google's decision to wipe Palestine from its map app and portray the occupied territories as Israel sparks online protest campaign. Journalists and activists have excoriated Google for wiping Palestine completely off its map app, depicting the entire occupied Palestinian territories as part of the state of Israel. The Palestinian Journalists’ Forum initiated an online campaign to pressure the internet giant to reconsider its stance.


Anonymous said...

It's good that Google has finally acknowledged the reality of the facts on the ground, and is moving forward. The Palestinians were given many opportunities to end their war and pursue peaceful solutions, but have chosen not to. Now they need to find other solutions, ones that don't involve remaining west of the Jordan (unless they are willing to live in Israel, which might be a wise choice.)

Walter Wouk said...

Harsh words about a people who were driven from their land. It seems like the final so;ution to this problem will be the end of the Palestinian State.

Greg Gerritt said...

Seems like google prefers perpetual war

Anonymous said...

Good. It is a tiny step forward to peace.