October 1, 2015

The GOP vs. the rest of us: Seniors

The GOP war on you: Social Security

Jeb Bush wants to push back the retirement age for Social Security by as many as five years.

Cruz would privatize Social Security

Republicans want your Social Security to crash with the stock market

US Senator Mario Rubio says Social Security and Medicare made Americans less inclined to save

Eric Cantor (R-VA) claimed that he didn't expect Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare to be around when he retires. "What we [House Republicans] have said is this: We'll protect today's seniors and those nearing retirement, but for the rest of us, all of us, who are 54 and younger, I know the programs are not going to be there for me when I retire'"

Texas Gov. Rick Perry advocated letting states opt-out of Social Security.

Former Senator Alan Simpson calls America's seniors the "greediest generation."

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