June 9, 2015

Towards better policing: Get cops off steroids

Daily Kos, April 2015 -  With the recent outbreak of innumerable cases of police brutality some are pointing fingers towards the growing use of steroids. It is possible that the rage exhibited from the police has something to do with the connection to these medications, which are known to cause outbursts? Recently in Inkster, Michigan, a man claimed that police physically abused him, before planting cocaine in his car. While this may or may not be true, it leaves one to wonder, if the cops can even be trusted. If they’re willing to break the laws and ingest steroids, many citizens suggest they’re willing to perform more heinous acts. Perhaps the biggest problem revolving around police, steroids and other drugs is the fact that they’re often slapped on the wrist, once they’re busted.

Over the years, police always seem to be able to get off on crimes, when others would not. In fact, Steroidal.com reported a former Atlantic Beach police chief was recently allowed to escape jail time, when he was given probation. The only problem here is that this man was accused of five felony crimes of possessing illegal steroids, as well as tampering with evidence. With this type of behavior, it makes one wonder, if this man could potentially have tampered with evidence and forced innocent individuals to plead guilty.

Although it is certainly unknown and difficult to judge, law enforcement agents throughout the world should be looked at with a more discerning eye. This is the only way to ensure that these individuals behave, protect the citizens and stop breaking the law, but proper punishment would be a sufficient first step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a joke in there about 'guns' but who wants to hear it?