March 2, 2015

The growing support for legal pot

BLOG Cannabis
Pew Research


Anonymous said...

I would probably not smoke marijuana even if it was legal. But I completely support legalization. The idea that people can go to jail for possessing this harmless stuff is a joke. It is time for America to grow up.

MAMADOC said...

To grow up or to give up capitalism -a system both allowing and requiring for complete non-sense to prevail in every front... FREE ENTERPRISE WITHOUT CAPITALISM IS WHAT WE NEED AND WILL GET... it may be that is what truly communism would be about and not this "socialism" or state-capitalism to prevail while posing as "communism." Read Silvio Gesell's The Natural Economic Order...

MAMADOC said...

PS... Try it for all kinds of PAIN... SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL... (not that they don't go together, and of course they do!). Prohibition is about turning freedom into a commodity. If you can pay for it you are entitled to it... but not in such a way as to ruin the ficion of scarcity that is used to demand high prices for something that is TRULY PRICELESS and that would cost practically NOTHING!! Except for prohibition, of course!