Study Finds -When you think of a typical computer science student, what image comes to mind? For many, it might be the stereotypical “tech geek” — highly intelligent, socially awkward, and most likely male. However, a new study suggests that this narrow and unhelpful view may be outdated and potentially harmful to the future of computer science education.Researchers from the University of Reading and King’s College London have uncovered a surprisingly diverse range of characteristics that young people associate with the “ideal” computer science student. Their findings challenge long-held stereotypes and offer hope for creating a more inclusive environment in computer science classrooms.
The study, which surveyed over 3,000 students between the ages of 11 and 16 in the United Kingdom, revealed that while being “smart and clever” is still the most commonly cited trait, it’s far from the only quality young people value in computer science. In fact, the researchers identified eight distinct clusters of characteristics that students used to describe the ideal computer science student.
Beyond pure intelligence, students emphasized the importance of being knowledgeable and interested in the subject, determined and hardworking, kind and helpful, creative, independent, confident, and collaborative. This multifaceted view suggests that young people’s perceptions of who can excel in computer science are broader and more nuanced than previously thought. MORE
The traits they offer up as apropriate are pretty much what you would want in any endeavor you are collaborating on.