MULTITUDES: The unauthorized memoirs of Sam Smith


January 21, 2019

Even a majority of Republicans believe climate change is real

Naked Capitalism -A recent Monmouth poll found that 78 percent of Americans believe climate change is real and leading to sea-level rise and more extreme weather. That’s up from 70 percent three years ago. The headline-grabbing takeaway: A majority of Republicans — 64 percent — are now believers, a 15-point jump from 2015.

To learn more about these converts, researchers at Yale and George Mason crunched the numbers from a blend of responses to surveys conducted between 2011 and 2015. They found that 8 percent of Americans said they had recently changed their opinion on the matter,...

One interesting tidbit: 11 percent of adults 65 or older reported that they’d recently shifted their views, more than any other age group.

NY Times -A record number of Americans understand that climate change is real, according to a new survey, and they are increasingly worried about its effects in their lives today.

Some 73 percent of Americans polled late last year said that global warming was happening, the report found, a jump of 10 percentage points from 2015 and three points since last March.

1 comment:

  1. The place to start making progress is to stop the bguilding of any new fossil fuel facilities and infrastructure. No more power plants, no more pipelines. if we then allow the current infrastructure to be gradually phased out we have a 2/3 chance of keeping temperature rises below 1.5 degrees.
