March 23, 2018

Russian troll farm targeted black voters

Black Press USA -An indictment filed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller revealed more details about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The highly detailed indictment included what had already been suspected: that the Russians targeted African American voters. A Russian “troll farm” worked to stoke racial tensions in 2016 using several social media platforms to influence African American voters and to plan protests. Social media accounts, including “Woke Blacks” and “Blacktivists,” encouraged voting for third-party choices, such as Green Party candidate Jill Stein, or not voting at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is "Stoking racial tensions" even possible, and by how much? What more could be added to the litany of grief lavished on the darker-skinned over the last, oh, half-century or so?

...breaking...Russians present at Emancipation Proclamation, urging President Lincoln to "stoke racial tensions."