March 26, 2016

Noam Chomsky on ties

Glenn Greenwald - I arrived last night at the University of Arizona for my event with Edward Snowden and Noam Chomsky. Chomsky arrived shortly after I did and, after I greeted him, the following dialogue ensued:

Chomsky: You know, there's this interesting essay by Albert Camus, written during his first visit to the United States, in which he described his surprise at what he regarded as the poor clothing taste of Americans, particularly men's choices of ties.

Me (slightly confused): Are you sharing that anecdote because you dislike my tie?

Chomsky: Yes.

That's how you receive a fashion critique from the world's greatest public intellectual.
Glenn Greenwald's photo.


ItAlwaysHappensHere said...

sad, but not surprising, to read that Chomsky can be as arrogant, rude and shallow as they come.

lipstick on a pig.

an "intellectual" insult is still an insult.

what. a. dick.

Anonymous said...

I can't take the sartorial opinions of someone who wore the same ratty brown corduroy jacket for YEARS too seriously

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It is an awful tie.