December 26, 2014

Latest US religion stats

Washington Examiner - Nearly three-quarters of Americans identify as Christians.

Of those identifying as Christians in 2014, half identified as Protestants or another non-Catholic Christian religion and nearly a quarter identified as Catholic, according to a Gallup survey.
Nineteen percent of Americans do not have a formal religious identity, the poll found — up one percent from last year.
The numbers across the board overall have changed very little since 2013, including two percent in 2013 and 2014 identifying as Jewish and one percent as Muslim.
But the longer-term trend shows a bigger decrease in Protestant affiliation: in the 1950’s, up to 71 percent of Americans identified as Protestant with a significantly smaller percentage having no religious identity.
Americans remained religious in 2014, with eight in 10 Americans reporting attendance at religious services at least occasionally, while more than half attend monthly or more frequently.

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