June 21, 2018

Minorities not the major beneficiaries of welfare programs

NPR- According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, white people made up the the largest share — at 52 percent — of people lifted from poverty by safety-net programs, while black people made up less than a quarter of that share. When it comes to receiving Medicare, white people make up about 43 percent of recipients, Hispanics about 30 percent, African-Americans 18 percent, with 9 percent identified as other.


Anonymous said...

These number show that minorities get welfare disproportionate to their demographic representation. These numbers don't argue your point, Sam.

Anonymous said...


When minorities are over represented on welfare, in contrast to their percentage of the population, it's because of systemic racism in the US. When whole ethnic groups are discriminated against for housing, work, education, and healthcare, while subject to greater police brutality, incarceration, and voter disenfranchisement, it's no wonder that they would need assistance in larger percentages. Your reply suggests you have no concept of how difficult racism makes it for minorities to just try to survive.

Anonymous said...
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