July 7, 2016

News Notes

Trump gets 1% of the black vote in a recent poll

The presumptive Democratic nominee for president in 2016 has not held a press conference in 2016. This has become a source of consternation to the media, as expressed by our Margaret Sullivan earlier this week. "The candidate, famously opaque, answered a grand total of seven questions [in Iowa] on Dec. 4, 2015," Sullivan wrote. "Since then, although she’s given individual interviews, she hasn’t made herself available for general media questioning."

On “Fox & Friends” Eric Trump agreed with Senator Bob Corker (R), who yesterday said that Ivanka Trump would be her father’s ideal running-mate. “I know it probably wouldn’t pass muster,” the senator said, “but I don’t think I’ve met a more composed, brilliant, beautiful-in-every-way person.” .... “I agree!” Trump said ... “She’s got the beautiful looks..... She’s smart — smart, smart, smart — she’s certainly got my vote.” 

Been enjoying the stories on the inquiry into lies that helped to launch the Iraq War. But for me it's old ground. Here's a piece I wrote for Harper's in 2003 entirely composed of lies about Iraq.- Sam Smith

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