May 6, 2016

Veteran homelessness drops

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities

 Homelessness in Los Angeles has dropped by 30 percent among veterans even while rising for residents overall, the New York Times reports — progress that local officials attribute to housing vouchers for veterans.  “Where we invest, we see results,” says the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s executive director. 

Nationally, the number of homeless veterans has dropped by 35 percent since 2009, according to the single-night counts that local communities perform every January.  While the recovering economy likely played a role, much of the credit goes to the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing voucher program, which provides rental assistance to homeless veterans along with case management and clinical services through VA medical centers.


Anonymous said...

So, we account for that 30% how?
Is that some sort of euphemism?
Given that the largest percentage of veterans likely consists of boomer generation souls conscripted during the Viet Nam ere, we're dealing with a sizable demographic well over the age of 60 and nearing the end of their allotted three score and ten. By dropped out then, do we mean dropped out, or really DROPPED OUT as in good bye, kaput, no mas, feeding worms...?
Just askin'

Anonymous said...

An increase in suicides?