February 15, 2016

US imprisonment rate dropping but with surprising variations

Washington Post - After decades of growth, the U.S. imprisonment rate has been declining for the past six years. Hidden within this welcome overall trend is a sizable and surprising racial disparity: African-Americans are benefiting from the national de-incarceration trend but whites are serving time at increasingly higher rates.

The pattern of results, evident in a series of reports from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, is most stark among women. Since 2000, the imprisonment rate among African-American women has dropped 47 percent, while the rate among white women has risen by 56 percent. These trends have combined to shrink the racial disparity in women’s imprisonment by two-thirds. Imprisonment of black and white women

A similar pattern emerges for men, who compose a much larger share of the prison population. The rate of imprisonment among African-American men remains very high, but nonetheless it has tumbled 22 percent since 2000. The rate for white men in contrast is 4 percent higher than it was in 2000. As a result, the racial disparity has shrunk by nearly one quarter. Fewer black men are behind bars

In responding to the data, Fordham University Professor John Pfaff echoed several criminologists when he said that“This is one of the most surprising pattern of results I have seen in corrections in a long time.” Pfaff said that “law enforcement attitudes getting tougher in rural areas and softer in urban areas may be contributing to this change."

Adam Gelb, who directs the public safety performance project of the Pew Charitable Trusts, suggested that “changes in drug use and enforcement over the past 15 years could be at play.” Gelb said the methamphetamine, prescription opioid and heroin epidemics have affected whites more than did the crack cocaine epidemic, which increased incarceration among blacks in the 1980s and 1990s but has since waned.


Anonymous said...

Third world conditions has come to the working white poor(younger generations) in recent times, really not that surprising if you think about it. The western republics are going third world, only propped up by money borrowing these days, when the borrowing is forced to an end, it will get really interesting...

Third world conditions are coming to the western republics primarily due to the unwinding of the political force(semi balance of political economy for the western republics) due to international communism during the cold war era. etc...

Anonymous said...

What is the prior anon poster smoking? The 3rd world economic conditions here in the US have been brought about be shipping out labor to cheaper labor markets across the globe. Communism is just a red herring.